James Sunderland VS Simon Henriksson (Silent Hill VS Cry Of Fear) | Prediction blog


James Sunderland, The man who faced Silent Hill

Simon Henriksson, The maniac from Cry Of Fear

These two mentally disturbed protagonists find them selves in a run down town filled with monsters out to get them now these 2 fight off the cultures with what ever they can get their hands on doing what ever it takes for the better or worst, but when they run in to each others path who will outlast the other?

Before we start...

This blog may contain spoilers for Silent Hill remake and for the story of Cry Of Fear, to even the playing field for both this fight Simon will only be getting his base game weapons and none of the unlockable weapons that you can get after the main story or secret paths, same goes for James he wont be getting the chainsaw as it's a new-game plus only weapon, but with all that said let' start this blog.


James Sunderland

  • Full name: James Sunderland
  • Age: 29 years old
  • Sex: Male
  • Height: Never stated 
  • Weight: Never stated
  • Likes: His already dead wife
  • Dislikes: Himself
James was born in the town of South Ashfield and was the child of Frank Sunderland and his unnamed wife. To be frank Not much is known about his childhood, but during a party at a friend's house James would meet Mary Shepherd, little did they know that it would develop more than just a friendship as their love was one going to grow into a deeper love. Before Mary and James got married, James would always listen to Mary playing the piano, despite her not being very good at it, James still loved to hear her play. One day Mary and James would decide to take a vacation in Silent Hill after reading about the town. They stayed in a Hotel by the name of Lakeview, where James recorded a videos of his lover. Mary would state that she loves the town and that she would love to go to Silent Hill again. James accidentally forgot the videotape in the hotel and the couple left Silent Hill. 

Three years prior to the game, Mary was struck with a terminal disease, and she deteriorated to the point of having violent mood swings, lashing out at James in anger. Her doctor predicted she would have less than three years left to live and told James that there was no effective treatment for her condition. James questioned Mary's doctors about her illness, and could not believe they would just let Mary die. He searched through medical books for information about Mary's illness, but never found anything useful. Later in her illness, James visited Mary less frequently because she was emotionally volatile. Her mood swings left him bewildered about what was "right" to do. James began to "drink a fair bit" to escape his pain and loneliness, but it never changed anything. James felt sexual frustration, but felt prevented from pursuing it by his marriage to Mary; this frustration is expressed by the vision of Maria, as well as several creatures during James's quest in the town. 

Mary became a burden on James and he slowly began to resent her; yet simultaneously, seeing the one he loved in such pain tormented him. The emotional trauma and emptiness left James in a constant state of mourning. Eventually he snapped, walked to Mary's bed and kissed her on her forehead before suffocating her with a pillow. Three days later, James drives to Silent Hill, intending to kill himself in the town he and his wife cherished to be with her in death. James is not the only one called to Silent Hill; two others, Eddie Dombrowski and Angela Orosco, have been drawn to the town by similar forces. However, before he arrives, his mind snaps from the trauma of killing Mary and he represses the memory. Instead, he becomes convinced that Mary has been dead for three years and he has received a posthumous letter from her.

James was literally fished out of Toluca Lake when he was reaped, ready to die with Mary. Physically speaking, James isn't that noteworthy of a man to stand out in a crowd, though he was sopping wet when he first came along. His first acquaintance was Daryl Dixon and later Emily Finch, both unnerved with the incoherent babbling James displayed. His external persona in the Capitol is that of a grieving widower, introspective and gentle, but above all reckless and in search for any clues about that which intrigues him, such as his wife somehow being alive. He tends to act in irrational ways and makes decisions that no one in their right mind would ever do, such as the infamous toilet scene. This is due to James is still reeling from the break of reality that arose from murdering his wife Mary not too long after visiting Silent Hill. Inside, James is a fractured man, stuck between the dream he built in which his wife died from the disease and truth. In his default state, James truly believes that Mary died of her disease and actively seeks her out among the crowds or monster-infested tourist towns.

Simon Henriksson

  • Full name: Simon Henriksson
  • Age: 19
  • Height: Unknown
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Likes: His friend
  • Dislike: Himself
Simon is a troubled person who’s diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Before he wrote the book which are the events of the game, Simon was in a hit-and-run in which he was hit and pinned to a building by a car while he was trying to help an injured man. He somehow managed to survived this but at the cost that he was now crippled for the rest of his life, this made him fall deeper into to his already awful mental trauma and caused him into become reclusive and spiteful of his own life, he would be his own worst enemy.

Doctor Purnell was assigned as Simon's psychiatrist after the event, and using cognitive therapy, Simon was instructed to write a book about his emotions, anxiety and overall mental health problem as a way to get all the trauma out of his head. 
Simon would start writing the book and create book Simon who goes through the events of Cry of Fear - the events of the game is a depiction of Simon's mind and his struggle to fight back against his demons through this book, the actions taken during the game are a show how the therapy is helping him. By writing the book Simon is confronting his trauma directly as the player can see with each boss fight being meant to represent a major point in his life where he has suffered. The Simon you play as over the course of the game is a mental projection of himself and what he combats inside his mind. The fate for both Simons depends on what ending is unlocked due to the actions made during the game, try and get the true ending please.


James Sunderland

Through out the game James comes across multiple monsters like the one seen above and other weaker monsters, he also seems to be pretty good with weapons as he uses more than just one and comes across fire arms that he can use with no problem, with that being said we cant say that he has that much experience as he's never fought monsters like these before the events of silent hill 2 but from what we seen he can use melee weapons and fire arms pretty decently well, he's went against monsters without hands, nurses, a moving mannequin and even the cool pyramid head, the fact he managed to survive says alot.

Simon Henriksson

Simon faces many awful looking monsters along his journey ranging from not bad looking to full on scary, despite this Simon manages to fight with anything he can get his hands on, melee weapons fire arms, smoke bombs to get away from them, the monsters his seen come in many forms with ones with knife arms, chainsaws, a face or just this big one you see above, Simon survives these said monster with difficulty but effectiveness and ending his quest.


Note: James has other items that are only used for unlocking puzzles and getting different endings, these will not be mentioned as they bring nothing to the debate. 

James Sunderland

Melee weapons

Wooden Plank

A wooden plank with nails at the end of it (don’t look like it but in the remake it has it trust) This is the first weapon James obtained and is the weakest in the entire game. Its only really usable at close range and does low damage.

Steel Pipe

A long steel pipe with decent power and good range. The Steel Pipe is in every way far better than the Wooden Plank

Great Knife

The Great Knife is an incredible looking large and heavy blade that is very slow and troublesome for James to use, but it contains devastating power and can knock down or even just straight up kill almost anything in one hit. However, due to its length and weight, James must drag it behind him while moving, making it fairly pretty useful beyond it’s needed uses.



A pistol that holds 10 bullets in each clip good for taking care of enemies from ranged


A pump-action Shotgun that has a maximum capacity of six shells and must be pumped after each shot. Good for closed range power shots

Hunting Rifle 

The Hunting Rifle is very precise and meant for long range encounters. The Rifle holds four bullets per clip

Healing items

Health Drink

Health Drinks that are nearly everywhere throughout the game (literally the amount you have if you save up is a lot) They recover a small of your health.

First-Aid Kit

The First-Aid Kits are ideal for almost any wound and recover about half of health.


The best healing item James has as they recover all his health no matter what condition James he’s in.

General items


A radio that emits static to warn James of enemies that are nearby.

Literally just a flashlight 
Simon Henriksson

Melee Weapons


The nightstick is a weapon that does low damage and has a low swing speed but it can be used as a combo weapon with another melee. 

The switchblade is the weapon that can be combined with the night stick with let's Simon deal more damage in exchange for a slower attack speed.


The sledgehammer is one of the most powerful melee weapons that Simon obtained, is hard for him to swing but it’s power is nothing to laugh at as it has been shown to break down a brick wall once


The pickaxe is pretty much just a copy and paste of the Hammer


Just a tree Branch that Simon can find around, it some how does more damage than the switchblade.


The shovel is pretty much a copy and paste of the hammer as well


Note: There are other weapons in the game that Simon can not get normally, like the gun real life Simon has, a gun only people who donated money can use, a gun that Simon can only use if you join a steam group, and a weapon only in co-op mode. 

Glock 19

A Glock 17 that Simon obtained 

Heckler & Koch VP70M

A strong firearm that contains its fire in three-round bursts (leading to strong recoil)

Ruger P345

The Ruger P345 is a gin first seen in a bowling. When Simon first picks it up it's empty and there's no ammo around for it. Simon has to bring it to the Doctor, where he's given the choice of keeping it for himself or giving it to the Doctor. If the player chooses to give it to him, it's not possible for Simon to obtain the Taurus Model later on in the game, but it it has more fire power than the the first gun, and has a slower reload.

Taurus Model 605

Taurus .357 Magnum is carried by the Doctor he will use it against Simon in his boss fight Simon can take it after defeating him. It’s a very powerful firearm as it’s able to take down most enemies with just a single shot.


the only shotgun in the game, its power is very scary dealing massive damage up close however because it’s a shotgun it sucks in long range.

Stag Arms AR-15

A powerful rapid firing weapon, but it has high recoil when firing still a good overall weapon with good damage

Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk.III* (HT)

Simon’s favorite sniper its the only firearm in the game with a scope.

Healing item


The syringe is the only method that Simon has to heal himself despite this being the only way he has to heal himself he can carry a total of 10 on him but using two of them in a little time span will make Simon's vision blurry due to the overdose. 

Other items


The second source of light that Simon can use, the flash light helps Simon light up the way so he can see and fight back against his enemies


The other source of Simon can use, he drops this on the floor to light up a area or carry it around with him.


James Sunderland

Weapon/firearms Proficiency

While James may not the best weapon user in all of gaming, he clearly knows how to use each weapon he get's his hands on being able to hit hard enough to kill the monsters that lurk near. James can find 3 types of firearms through out his journey, a pistole, shotgun and rifle each with their own advantage over the other, now in Silent Hill 2 remake James somehow got the aim of a god as he can finally shoot the monster and not miss, if you didn't know in the original game James had worst aim than me hitting on the opposite gender, it's mainly because of the camara angle but still his arm was awful but in the newer game his aim gotten a lot better (new camara angle)

Puzzle solver

James is an expert puzzle solver as he can solve multiple puzzles in the game, using hints and items that tie with said puzzle.

Superhuman Physical Characteristics

While it may hard to believe at first its very clear that James is above than the normal human, he's strong enough kill silent hill monsters with melee weapons, crush their heads with a stomp, lift and swing the great knife with both hands, take hits from pyramid head and even outrun the monsters.

Simon Henriksson

Weapon Proficiency

Simon is capable of using multiple weapons with relative ease. ranging from Hammers, Nightsticks, Knifes even a tree brunch to hit you over the head with it he also has shown to be pretty good with firearms including Pistols, Hunting Rifles, and Assault Rifles just to name a few

Puzzle Solver

Simon has shown that he's smart enough to solve multiple puzzles despite how hard and tricky they can be he always finds a way to go pass them.

Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Simon is a lot stronger than the regular person, he can kill weaker monsters with his fist with a couple of punches, outrun most monsters, take hits from said monsters and survive multiple gunshots tanking them like a beast.

Book Influence

Simon's mind is so dark, so bad and so fucked up that those who read the book will eventually get stuck in his world, this allows book Simon to leave his dimension and appear in the mind of the person who read his book, he was able to leave the book and appear in the real Simon's mind after he found the book in which he fails to kill Simon or manages to kill him.


James Sunderland


  • Managed to survive Silent Hill
  • Solved multiple puzzles
  • survived his fight with Pyramid head
  • Got better with firearms


  • Can stomp out many of the silent hill monsters

  • Can out many of the silent hill monsters

Durability (Couldn't find a good image)

  • Took multiple drops down pits so deep he can't see the bottom without issue, getting right back up afterward
Simon Henriksson


  • Depending on what ending manages to survive or manages to kill his real self
  • Smart enough to solve multiple puzzles

  • Can kill weaker monsters with a couple of punches
  • Able to kill most of the bosses with melee weapons

  • Can out run most of the monsters
Durability (Couldn't find anything good as well)

  • Can withstand heads being thrown at him so fast they splatter on impact

  • Can take hits to the head from hammer 

  • Can take hits from the taller who's hits sent him multiple feat in the air
  • Can survive sick Simon throwing wooden objects at him hard enough for them to splinter on contact 

James Sunderland

The Great Knife's size and weight mean that James cannot wield and use it without significant difficulty, James also tires quickly and pushes himself pass it.

Simon Henriksson

Can have nightmare sequences at specific locations, this nightmares will make Simon question his sanity.



Alright these 2 games are fairly grounded when it comes to stats with both being able kill the monsters in their verse, let's start with James, with his melee and firearms he can manage to kill most monsters who can survive point blank shotgun blasts and he's able stomp them out when their on the floor, alongside this he can take hits from the weaker monsters, the silent hill monsters are strong enough to to shatter glass and rip apart humans, but these are only the weaker monster what about pyramid head? While James doesn't directly scale to Pyramid head's AP his durability makes up for it as he's able to take a hit hard enough that sent him flying into a fence breaking it, keep in mind that Pyramid Head can bisect humans and destroy metal doors, so James is clearly a lot stronger and durable than that of the average person.

Simon holds up pretty good against this and shows that he's stronger than James, he's able to crush the human skill in a couple stomps, break down brick walls with his hammer, kill the weaker monsters with a couple of punches and kill bosses with his melee weapons, Like James, Simon can also take hits from the monsters, like the Faster who can break down doors, sturdy school doors and garage metal doors putting them nearly equal in terms of strength but thank to Simon being able to kill them with his punches we can clearly see that Simon takes strength, but where Simon clearly edges out is durability as he's shown to be able to withstand a lot more than what James has shown, multiple gunshots unfazed, hits from the Faster, hits from the taller, hammers to the head, axe hits and wooden objects thrown at him, Simon has just taken so much more that his durability out classes that of James and that of his weapons except one which maybe be a problem which i'll touch upon later.

Both are able to outrun the monsters that hunt them down, the monsters are clearly faster than normal human, alongside their guns which usually far at supersonic speed so speed might be a draw for both


Both James and Simon wouldn't have survived without their weapons so who's weapon is better than the other, James has 3 melee weapons that he can use, a wooden plank and a pipe, these weapon are strong enough to kill the monsters, and he can get the job done quicker with Pyramid head's sword, we'll talk about that in a bit but for now James can also find firearms that he can use throughout the game, a pistole, shotgun and a rifle, a gun for all ranges, as well as his healing items and general items like flashlight to light up his way, but sadly for James, Simon's larger amount of weapons give him the edge, Simon has more melee weapons to take into this fight along with being able to combo them to inflect more damage overall to James, alongside his hammer being stronger than any of James weapon, his hammer has destroyed a brick wall, none of James weapon have shown this level of power, the only weapon that James carries that can match Simon's hammer is the great knife, as we seen this sword is pretty strong as Pyramid Head was able to cut humans in half and cut metal doors with it, so while James may not be as strong as Pyramid head as he has to use both of his arms to even use the thing let's give him the benefit of a doubt and say that he can preform the same feats as Pyramid head with the sword, the downside is that this sword makes James a lot slower as the sword is too heavy for him, so nothing is stopping Simon from dodging the incoming attack, meaning that the sword is pretty much useless in this case.

When it comes to their firearms the amount of guns that Simon has just outclasses James as James only has 3 to use Simon has 7, meaning that he can keep up attacking from a far incase he runs out of ammo, and thanks to Simon having a rapid firing gun in the Stag Arms AR-15 he can keep the pressure on James, moving on to healing items James takes this one as he has more ways to heal overall and his healing items are better as Simon can cause himself to overdose if he over uses it while James doesn't, with that said this category still goes to Simon.

Tertiary Factors

The advantages for both of these 2 are very clear cut, James is older than Simon so he takes experience, and both of them are cleaver enough to solve multiple puzzles in their way.


James Sunderland

  • Giant knife matches Simon's strongest melee weapon
  • More experienced
  • Better/more healing items 
  • More level headed between the two
  • Physically weaker than Simon
  • Simon has shown greater durability
  • Simon's hammer is stronger than any of his melee
  • Simon longer arsenal of weapons let's him have more options
  • Simon has more/better firearms
  • Simon has more sources of light
  • Simon is more ruthless between the two
  • Great knife makes him overall slower and a easier target
  • Both are about equal in speed
  • Both are smart enough to solve puzzle 
Simon Henriksson

  • Physically stronger
  • Greater showings of durability
  • The hammer is stronger than any of James melee
  • Has a longer arsenal of weapons
  • Has more/better firearms
  • Has more sources of light
  • Is the more ruthless fighter between the two
  • Great knife makes James slower and a easier target
  • Giant knife matches his strongest weapon
  • James is more experienced
  • James has more/better healing items
  • James is more level headed between the two
  • Both are about equal in speed
  • Both are smart enough to solve puzzles
To put it short, while James may hold his own thanks to his healing items and him being more calm between the two, Simon's longer and stronger arsenal of weapons gives him the win and let's him keep himself in the fight for longer and with his durability Simon has no problem taking hits from James own melee and fire arms as he taken way more punishment and just kept himself going, yes while the great sword has the power to let James match Simon in AP, he has to you know hit Simon to win which won't be happening due to how slow it makes him, plus Simon has taken hits from monsters who can break down metal doors, so while the power of the great knife is nothing to laugh it, it's not nothing new to Simon as he taken hits from such force before.

So at the end of the day Simons stronger melee weapons, longer arsenal of weapons and firearms plus his greater survivability despite James healing being better, Simon just had what it takes to take a win in this faceoff, guess you can say James cry of pain are gonna be silent in this one

The winner is Simon Henriksson



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